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Dave Burgess, Studio 616 Photography

Celebrating A Life Of Joyous Dance

A couple of years ago, my Facebook feed featured a Grand Rapids dancer who offered instruction and performance from her studio downtown. I began corresponding with Laura Armenta by email, and within a few weeks we agreed to meet in her studio for some dance photography.

That session began a friendship and collaboration that continues today. Over the past two years, we've created some memorable images with her and her dance team, in her studio, in my studio, and in several locations around the city.

This week, my friend Laura Armenta celebrated her 30 year career as a dance performer and teacher. And she did it by staging "Anthology II", a special performance in her downtown studio. Two days ago, Laura visited Studio 616 Photographer with her friend and collaborator Cari Niewiek for some dance images in their performance costume.

Congratulations Laura, and here's to another 30 years of joyous dance.

Laura Armenta
Cari Niewiek and Laura Armenta

Cari Niewiek leaps

Jungle women

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